File 1c8562fda7fe06c2a253c1e7ce9ec2e7f948db8ba40d18dc0217920ea00007f3 Strings

ascii !This program cannot be run in DOS mode.
ascii t$ WATAVH
ascii t$ WAVAWH
ascii l$ VWATAVAWH
ascii D$`;D$Xv
ascii A_A^A\_^
ascii p WAVAWH
ascii x AUAVAWH
ascii D$llessD
wide \Device\%s
wide \SystemRoot\system32\%s_
wide UPDATE Process SET Tree=0 WHERE PIDX=%d;
wide -s=service -t=%S
wide C:\Windows\RemoteClient.exe
wide \SystemRoot\%s.sys
wide INSERT INTO Callback(DIDX,CIDX,CallType,FuncPtr,Operation,CreateTime)VALUES(%d,%d,%u,:1,%u,%llu);
wide DELETE FROM CmpCallback WHERE CIDX=%d and Operation=255;
wide INSERT INTO File(PIDX,PID,Path,Operation,Action,CreateTime)VALUES(%d,%u,:1,%u,%u,%llu);
wide luafv.sys