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PE (Portable Executable)

File header

Characteristics 0x102 File is executable, 32 bit word machine
Machine 0x14c Intel 386 or later processors and compatible processors
Number of sections 0x6 6
Number of symbols 0x0 0
Pointer to symbol table 0x0 0
Size of optional header 0xe0 224B
Time date stamp 0x606dc419 2021-04-07 14:39:21.000Z
Signature 0x4550 PE

Optional header

Address of entrypoint 0x1ed60 126304
Base of code 0x1000 4096
Base of data 0x33000 208896
Checksum 0x0 0
Dll characteristics 0xc140 49472
File alignment 0x200 512
Image base 0x400000 4194304
Loader flags 0x0 0
Magic 0x10b PE32
Major image version 0x0 0
Major linker version 0xe 14
Major os version 0x5 5
Major subsystem version 0x5 OS/2 character
Minor image version 0x0 0
Minor linker version 0x0 0
Minor os version 0x1 1
Minor subsystem version 0x1 Native
Number of rva and sizes 0x10 16B
Section alignment 0x1000 4096
Size of code 0x31400 197.00KB
Size of headers 0x400 1.00KB
Size of heap commit 0x1000 4.00KB
Size of heap reserve 0x100000 1.00MB
Size of image 0xff000 1020.00KB
Size of initialized data 0xa6c00 667.00KB
Size of stack commit 0x1000 4.00KB
Size of stack reserve 0x100000 1.00MB
Size of uninitialized data 0x0 0B
Subsystem 0x2 Windows GUI
Win32 version value 0x0 0

Data Directory

SizeVirtual Address
Export Directory 0x34 0x3c820
Import Directory 0x3c 0x3c854
Resource Directory 0x98c7c 0x63000
Exception Directory 0x0 0x0
Security Directory 0x0 0x0
Base Relocation Table 0x2274 0xfc000
Debug Directory 0x54 0x3aac0
Architecture specific 0x0 0x0
RVA of GlobalPointer 0x0 0x0
TLS Directory 0x0 0x0
Load Config Directory 0x40 0x35508
Bound Import Directory 0x0 0x0
Import Address Table 0x260 0x33000
Delay Import Descriptors 0x120 0x3bdc4
COM Runtime Descriptor 0x0 0x0
Reserved 0x0 0x0