Entropy | 0x6.9de19a5364d0c | 6.616723676070992 |
Characteristics | 0xe0000060 | 3758096480 |
Number of line numbers | 0x0 | 0 |
Number of relocations | 0x0 | 0 |
Pointer to line numbers | 0x0 | 0 |
Pointer to raw data | 0x400 | 1024 |
Pointer to relocations | 0x0 | 0 |
Size of raw data | 0x7c000 | 496.00KB |
Virtual address | 0x1000 | 4096 |
Virtual size | 0x7bfd3 | 495.96KB |
Entropy | 0x4.988c16cff9c7 | 4.5958875901940495 |
Characteristics | 0xc0000040 | 3221225536 |
Number of line numbers | 0x0 | 0 |
Number of relocations | 0x0 | 0 |
Pointer to line numbers | 0x0 | 0 |
Pointer to raw data | 0x7c400 | 508928 |
Pointer to relocations | 0x0 | 0 |
Size of raw data | 0xd600 | 53.50KB |
Virtual address | 0x7d000 | 512000 |
Virtual size | 0xd5c2 | 53.44KB |
Entropy | 0x3.b1fdc5e1b84e | 3.695278518302352 |
Characteristics | 0xc0000040 | 3221225536 |
Number of line numbers | 0x0 | 0 |
Number of relocations | 0x0 | 0 |
Pointer to line numbers | 0x0 | 0 |
Pointer to raw data | 0x89a00 | 563712 |
Pointer to relocations | 0x0 | 0 |
Size of raw data | 0x2e00 | 11.50KB |
Virtual address | 0x8b000 | 569344 |
Virtual size | 0x16a98 | 90.65KB |
Entropy | 0x5.03f3c14a2e328 | 5.015438156710113 |
Characteristics | 0x40000040 | 1073741888 |
Number of line numbers | 0x0 | 0 |
Number of relocations | 0x0 | 0 |
Pointer to line numbers | 0x0 | 0 |
Pointer to raw data | 0x8c800 | 575488 |
Pointer to relocations | 0x0 | 0 |
Size of raw data | 0x16800 | 90.00KB |
Virtual address | 0xa2000 | 663552 |
Virtual size | 0x16628 | 89.54KB |
Entropy | 0x1.99610e753e32d | 1.5991372143018439 |
Characteristics | 0xe0000020 | 3758096416 |
Number of line numbers | 0x14 | 20 |
Number of relocations | 0x0 | 0 |
Pointer to line numbers | 0x0 | 0 |
Pointer to raw data | 0xa3000 | 667648 |
Pointer to relocations | 0x0 | 0 |
Size of raw data | 0x20000 | 128.00KB |
Virtual address | 0xb9000 | 757760 |
Virtual size | 0x20000 | 128.00KB |