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PE (Portable Executable)


# rva value meaning
0 0x4000 0x53a8 KERNEL32.dll!InitializeCriticalSectionEx
1 0x4008 0x53b8 KERNEL32.dll!DeleteCriticalSection
2 0x4010 0x53d6 KERNEL32.dll!CreateThread
3 0x4018 0x53ee KERNEL32.dll!CreateToolhelp32Snapshot
4 0x4020 0x53fe KERNEL32.dll!Process32First
5 0x4028 0x541a KERNEL32.dll!Process32Next
6 0x4030 0x542c KERNEL32.dll!OpenProcess
7 0x4038 0x543c KERNEL32.dll!VirtualQueryEx
8 0x4040 0x544a KERNEL32.dll!ReadProcessMemory
9 0x4048 0x545c KERNEL32.dll!WriteProcessMemory
10 0x4050 0x5470 KERNEL32.dll!GetSystemInfo
11 0x4058 0x5486 KERNEL32.dll!Beep
12 0x4060 0x5496 KERNEL32.dll!Sleep
13 0x4068 0x549e KERNEL32.dll!OutputDebugStringW
14 0x4070 0x5778 KERNEL32.dll!RtlCaptureContext
15 0x4078 0x578e KERNEL32.dll!RtlLookupFunctionEntry
16 0x4080 0x57a2 KERNEL32.dll!InitializeSListHead
17 0x4088 0x58ae KERNEL32.dll!RtlVirtualUnwind
18 0x4090 0x57bc KERNEL32.dll!UnhandledExceptionFilter
19 0x4098 0x57d0 KERNEL32.dll!SetUnhandledExceptionFilter