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PE (Portable Executable)


Address of functions 0xd2028 860200
Address of name ordinals 0xd2040 860224
Address of names 0xd2034 860212
Base 0x1 1
Characteristics 0x0 0
Major version 0x0 0
Minor version 0x0 0
Name 0xd2046 860230
Number of functions 0x3 3
Number of names 0x3 3
Time date stamp 0x0 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000Z


Name Ordinal Name RVA Function RVA Forwarder
TMethodImplementationIntercept 3 0xd2053 0x57374
__dbk_fcall_wrapper 2 0xd2072 0xf628
dbkFCallWrapperAddr 1 0xd2086 0xc863c